The Deputy NECTA Executive Secretary Dr. Charles Msonde The results for Advanced Certificate for Secondary Educationa Examination ( ACS...
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The Deputy NECTA Executive Secretary Dr. Charles Msonde |
These results show that there has been a remakerble improvement in the general performance of candidates by 8.13 per cent to that of 2013 and girls shone more than boys.
A total of 38,905 candidates, which is 98.26 percent of 40,695 who sat for exams in May 2014, have passed compared to the 87.85 per cent in 2013.
On the official release of the result in Dar es salaam by the Deputy NECTA Executive Secretary Dr. Charles Msonde it was reported that Girls have shone in the result than Boys.
"The number of girls passed reached 12,080 or 97.66 per cent while a total of 26.825 or 95.25 per cent of boys passed the exams" said Dr.Msonde.
According to the marking system, a pass is awarded from A, B+, B, C, D, E to F, but in overall results, a candidate is counted to have passed by scoring a minimum of two Ds or a C in exams.
The A pass starts from (100 to 75), B+ (74 - 60), B (59-50), C (49-40) D (39-30), E(29-20, F(19-0. All these was learned from Dr.Msonde.
The quality of general performance according to grades desplayed above shows that a total of 30.225 school candidates which is 85.73 per cent have passed between first and third divisions. In this toatal girls are 9,954 or 90.59% and boys are 20,271, which equals to 83.53%.
On the side of private candidates 4,260 or 80.73% passed the exams this year beating the last year record where 4,124 or 53,87% of private candidates passed.
Overall performance.
Boys (%) Girls (%)
Division one 2,232 (9.20%) 1,541 (14.02%)
Division two 6,179 (25.46%) 3,452 (31.42%)
Division three 11,860 (48.87%) 4,961 (45.15%)
Division four 3,474 (14.31%) 946 (8.6%)
Division O 524 (2.16 %) 88 (0.80%)
NECTA also reported that the performance of candidates in all 14 basic subjects have improved this year compared to last year where the highest performance recorded was in Kiswahili subject,when 99.88% of all candidates performed well.
The performance in science subjects has improved compared to last year.It was learnt.
The NECTA chief also mentioned the 10 best schools that performanced well. These schools are ; Igowole Secondary School, Feza Boys Secondary School, Kisimiri Secondary School. Iwawa Secondary School. Kibaha Secondary School. Marian Girls Secondary School, Nangwa Secondary School, Uwata Secondary School,Kibondo Secondary School and Kawawa Secondary School.
The 10 poorly ranked schools include; Ben Bella Secondary School, Fidel Castro Secondary School,Tambaza Secondary School,Muheza High School, Mazizini Secondary School, Mazizini Secondary School, Mtwara Technical Secondary School, Iyunga Secondary School, Al- Falaah Muslim Secondary School and Osward Mang'ombe Secondary School.
The results of 150 candidates who had school fee arrears had their results withheld until they complete paying the outstanding fee.
9 candidates who developed health complications and became unable to do some of the subjects were given the opportunity to re- sit for the missed papers Dr. Msonde said though it was not immedite learnt wherther they will repay for exams fee or not.
The 29 candidates who didin't sit for all exam papers because of health problems were granted the opportunity to resit in May 2015.
Two candidates who were discovered to cheat in the examination their results were cancelled.
Sourse: Daily News.
In Mwanza region the sixteen Schools in category of 30 candidates (REGIONWISE) are:
1. Mwamashimba Secondary School.
2. Sumve Secondary School.
3. Lake Secondary School.
4. Mwanza Secondary School.
5. Thaqafa Secondary School.
6. Nganza Secondary School.
7. Taqwa Secondary School.
8. Bwiru Girls Secondary School.
9. Nsumba Secondary School.
10.Bwiru Boys Secondary School.
11.Loreto Girls Secondary School.
12.Ngudu Secondary School.
13. (Not noted yet)
14.Sengerema Secondary School.
15.Mkolani Secondary School.
16. Magu Secondary School.