Dr.Robert Anthony You need to know the truth about willpower... Here are things that are very important to understand. Most pe...
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Dr.Robert Anthony |
You need to know the truth about willpower...
Here are things that are very important to understand. Most people try to change their habits and beliefs through use of willpower. I WILL stop smoking. I WILL lose weight. I WILL be confident. I WILL become wealthy, etc.
The problem with willpower -- believe it or not - the willpower does not exist or does not help! The will power is an indicator for a lack of confidence.
The truth is that you do not have willpower or lack of willpower. What is really happening when you use what most people call "willpower" is that your Conscious attention is overriding your Subconscious attention. To solve this set back get this 7 day to unstoppable self -confidence creator to end up the lack of confidence.
The same is true if you're on a diet. When your "willpower" breaks, when your conscious attention gets distracted, what happens? You find yourself with cheesecake in hand. Why? Because that's your SUBCONSCIOUS mind taking over and you keep doing the same thing you did before, which is to eat the cheesecake.
Let's say you tend to procrastinate. So you decide to use "willpower" to stop yourself from procrastinating. That works okay for awhile until your conscious attention get distracted..
What happens then? You go right back to procrastinating. When you consciously try to change (using what
some people call "willpower") you're okay and your commitment works.
But as soon as you get distracted, your SUBCONSCIOUS Blueprint the way you were before you tried to change) takes over.
Using The Wrong Part of Your Mind To Make Changes--
First of all, it's important to understand that you are having difficulties making changes, you are not weak willed nor does it mean you cannot change. Your inability to make the necessary changes is purely you are using the wrong part of your mind to try and make the change. You're putting your attention
in the wrong place.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you have to change the SUBCONSCIOUS Blueprint or automatic programming, otherwise you will keep getting the same results no matter how hard you try to change.
There are many ways to do this. One of the fastest ways is through hypnosis. What hypnosis does is bypass the Critical Factor or the Gatekeeper which allows you to rewrite the Blueprint in your
SUBCONSCIOUS so that it ends up giving you everything you want out of life without any effort or struggle.Click the banner below to get the solution.
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